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Ryan Annetts holding sample of Tree Juice Maple Syrup

The 2025 Tree Juice Maple Syrup™  CSA sign-up is now OPEN 


SIGNUP DEADLINE: Friday, March 28th!!!!!


About Our Tree Juice Maple Syrup CSA

Become a member of the Tree Juice Maple Syrup Spring season CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). Members pay up front and receive a share of the farmer's bounty.

This style of commerce is incredibly helpful to your maple syrup producers. It helps offset the season's start-up costs (tubing, taps, bottles, labels, etc). In addition, it allows us to plan the season's production needs based on member demand.

4 bottles of maple syrup showing the different grades (Golden, Amber, Dark and Very Dark)

Small Share (1/2 Gallon) = $30
Large Share (1 Gallon) = $55  
(If you have empty glass jugs from previous years we will gladly take them back to reuse) ;)

Golden grade maple syrupAmber grade maple syrupDark grade maple syrupVery Dark grade maple syrup

Please note: You can choose the grade of your syrup: Golden, Amber, Dark or Very Dark. However, we cannot guarantee your grade preference but will do our best! (Mother Nature decides what grade we make and how much!)

When you place your order, you will also get a chance to choose a convenient pickup date/location (dates/times are subject to change)

PICKUP DATES / LOCATIONS (dates/times are subject to change)

1) Tree Juice Maple Syrup main office location:  59 Rider Hollow Rd, Arkville, NY (Saturday Apr 19th, Noon-1pm)

2) Tree Juice Maple Syrup collection point, 924 Samsonville Rd, Kerhonkson, NY
(Sunday Apr 20th, Noon-1pm)

3) Village Coffee & Goods, 3915 17 Railroad Ave, Kingston, NY 12401
(Saturday May 3rd, 9-10am)

4) Sunflower Grocery store parking lot, Woodstock NY
(Saturday May 3rd, 10.30am-11.30am)

5) Acorn School, Accord 
(Friday May 2nd, 8.30-9am)

6) Mercier Farmstand New Paltz 
(Friday May 2nd, 4pm-4.30pm)

Shipping is also available. (your sweet stuff will ship out in April!), please note that our Free Shipping option does not include our CSA syrup shares as its already heavily discounted.

Four 32oz bottles of Tree Juice Maple Syrup


Clear all

CSA Small Share (1/2 Gallon)

$35.95 USD $30.00 USD

On Sale

CSA Large Share (1 Gallon)

$64.95 USD $55.00 USD

On Sale